Call for abstracts > Submission Guidelines


Submission Information

We invite theoretical, empirical, arts-based, and ‘work-in-progress’ research ideas or proposals from scholars at all stages of their academic careers, as well as from individuals outside academia.

We also invite creative proposals for our special Research Out-of-the-Box Exhibition to expand the boundaries of ‘normalized’ academic conferences and create new inter/trans-cultural and translanguaging spaces. We encourage creative unconventional forms of displaying academic research. Research displays can include multilingual and/or multimodal resources and create dynamic interactive presenter-viewer relationships.

Contact Elba Ramirez [] for any queries about abstract submission and/or conference.


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Submission Guidelines


Abstracts - Conference Presentation | Academic Poster: 

  • No more than 300 words.
  • Include a title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information.
  • Clearly state the theme(s) your abstract addresses and how you will unpack the ideas, including theoretical and methodological perspectives (if applicable).
  • Summarise key ideas, experiences, outcomes, recommendations, implications, and conclusions about your research and/or project and their relation to the conference theme(s).
  • List five keywords.
  • Include a 100-word bio of each presenter.


Entries - Research Out-of-the-Box Exhibition:

  • No more than 300 words with an optional supporting sample/picture of idea.
  • Include a title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information.
  • Clearly state the theme(s) your entry addresses.
  • Summarise key ideas, experiences, outcomes, recommendations, implications, and conclusions about your research and/or project and their relation to the conference theme(s).
  • List five keywords.
  • Indicate preferred format display: Interactive (e.g., interactive posters, table games), art based (e.g., poetry, photography, crafts, paintings, films, performance), and combinations of multiple formats.
  • Include a 100-word bio of each presenter. 

Submit your abstract

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